5 Days to a Clutter Free House – Quick Easy Ways to Clear Up Your Space by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims

Who can honestly remove clutter from their homes in 5 days? I’ve never been able to before.

I have discovered a system where you do exactly that. In my most recently read book, 5 Days to a Clutter Free House, you are walked through removing the clutter from each room, before making any hard decisions about the fate of that clutter. Then, when the time comes to male those decisions, it’s easier because you’re less likely to want all of it in the beautiful empty spaces around your home.

I had actually thought of implementing a variation of this system, but was afraid it wouldn’t work. Reading the personal testimonies in the book has given me the green flag to go with it.

About the Book

A clean, organized, and restful home is only 5 days away.

If you’ve picked up this book, you want to reduce the clutter in your home, organize what’s left, and keep it that way. But does the sheer scope of the project give you an anxiety attack? Don’t let fear stop you! Organizing and time management experts Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims show you how, with the right game plan and a healthy dose of adrenaline, you’re just 5 days from your goal.

With their proven team-based approach, even the most overwhelming de-cluttering job becomes doable. Section one shows you how to de-clutter, with each day of the week focused on one reachable goal. Section two shows you how to cultivate time-tested habits that keep your house in the clean, well-ordered state you’ve just achieved. You’ll even learn how to deal with common obstacles such as •filing •storage needs •health issues •space restrictions •the car •even family sabotage!

So what are you waiting for? The home of your dreams is just a week away.

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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